Federal Training Funds
for Southern New Mexico

for workers & employers in the film and digital media industries
There are a wide variety of services offered through WIOA and managed by the Southwestern Area Workforce Development Board: training reimbursement, tuition assistance, and job readiness training.
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act
What is WIOA?
New Mexico Workforce Connections & The Southwestern Area Workforce Development Board
The Southwestern Area Workforce Development Board’s mission is to empower individuals in the region by providing them with the tools and training they need to acquire higher paying jobs based on the needs of local businesses. With an emphasis on economic and employer-driven goals, SAWDB’s cooperative programs will cater to the region’s unique employment needs, allowing for more effective distribution of federal funds and serving local employers by cultivating a highly skilled workforce.
What Programs are offered through WIOA?
Employment and training services for adults, dislocated workers, and youth and Wagner-Peyser employment services administered by the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) through formula grants to states; and Adult education and family literacy programs as well as State Vocational Rehabilitation Services programs that assist eligible individuals with disabilities in obtaining employment; both core programs are administered by the U.S. Department of Education.
Who manages wioa in southern NM?
New Mexico Workforce Connections & The Southwestern Area Workforce Development Board
The Southwestern Area Workforce Development Board’s mission is to empower individuals in the region by providing them with the tools and training they need to acquire higher paying jobs based on the needs of local businesses. With an emphasis on economic and employer-driven goals, SAWDB’s cooperative programs will cater to the region’s unique employment needs, allowing for more effective distribution of federal funds and serving local employers by cultivating a highly skilled workforce.
Information for Workers
Who can access these training funds?
How can the funds be spent?
Who can I contact for program options?
Information for Employers
What are the employer benefits?
WIOA contributes to economic growth and business expansion by ensuring the workforce system is job-driven, matching employers with skilled individuals.
- On-The-Job Training: Funding up to 50% for up to 1,040 hours for job seekers in the WIOA program in order for them to attain the experience and skills they need. This includes apprenticeships for construction trades and skills upgrades for incumbent workers.
- Short-Term Training: Funding short-term training such as pre-employment skills and exam preparations, as well as credentialing/licensing fees for job seekers in the WIOA program.
- Education: Funding up to 104 weeks of education for job seekers in the WIOA program in order for them to attain a degree or other industry-specific credentials.
- Video Conferencing: Can make video-conferencing facilities available to you for interviewing candidates for positions in your company who might not otherwise be available for a personal interview.
Youth Services
The program assists qualified young people entering an occupation to learn employment skills. The program is designed for youth between the ages of 18 and 22 who have exited public schools without a diploma or have graduated with a diploma or GED and are having difficulty obtaining employment. This program may also provide funding for formal classroom training, special tools, clothing, or equipment.
Other benefits of the program include: participant wages and workers’ compensation covered by the program, the opportunity to fill vacant positions, and helping youth obtain valuable training and work experience.