About Film Las Cruces

Expanding the New Mexico film and television industry

Our Mission

The mission of Film Las Cruces is to promote and develop the film and entertainment arts industries in Doña Ana County and Southern New Mexico.

The primary objectives of Film Las Cruces:

Maintain a film liaison office

focused on the development and promotion of the film and entertainment arts industries in the City of Las Cruces, Doña Ana County, and Southern New Mexico.

Promote and assist in the development

of film and entertainment arts production infrastructure in Las Cruces and Doña Ana County.

Collaborate with regional

academic institutions, professional film workforce development organizations, and the community to develop and sustain a trained film and entertainment arts workforce.

Maintain a comprehensive

location, crew, and vendor support database.

Support community education

about the film and entertainment arts industries.

Support local filmmakers

Staff Members

Elijah Villapando
Associate Film Liaison

Erica Mosher
Operations Coordinator

Andrew Jara
Film Liaison

Board of Directors

Jeff Steinborn
State Senator

Pepper Gallegos
Professional Makeup / Hair and Special Effects Artist

Christopher Stanley
Independent Producer

Denise LaFrance Ojinaga
      Secretary       Marketing Communications Specialist, DACC

Christina Ballew
Producer, Creative Director, NMCO Studio

Matt Byrnes
Chair of DACC Digital Imaging & Design Technology (CMT)

Ross Marks

Marilyn Brindis
Producer, Director, Location Manager
Camera Hogs, LLC

Stephen Osborn
Filmmaker, Photographer, CMT

Lynwood Spinks
Retired Film Executive

Jerry Prochazka
CEO and Founder at Ganymede Games CEO and Founder at Cackleberry Games


Natalie Streander
Professor, Filmmaker DACC