U.S. Film Scholarships

Mar 13, 2017

Hello again filmmakers!

Grant research has taken up the majority of my week and in addition to the really awesome State Grants that I posted about last time there is also a fair amount of National grants that might be of assistance. I definitely recommend checking all of these out.

First up is the Resolution Filmmakers Student Grant.

This grant is for High School students, University students and International High School and University students. To apply, you need proof of student status, student email account, and student I.D. The Award is an equipment rental from Resolution rentals. Eligibility link.

Next up is the Pare Lorentz Grant.

This grant awards the winning submission will be awarded anywhere from $15,000-$25,000 and there is a time limit for support which is one year. The funds will be for production and post production expenses.  You must be 18 or older and you must have the sole copyright of His/Her work. Eligibility link.

Then there’s the Roy W. Dean Film Grant via From the Heart Productions.

This grant is for independent films, short films, documentaries and web series that are unique and make a contribution to society. The awards are pretty lengthy so I’ll just list a few of them. $3,500 from From The Heart Productions, 25% discount on royalty free stock footage, 40% reduction in color, editing and sound production services. Complete list and Eligibility link.


Here’s the full list of Grants that are available.



That’s all for now guys!


Written by Michael Valdivia, Film Las Cruces Intern.




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